
《Guidelines for Being a Good Person》After Doing the Above, the Arts Come Next


If we acquire knowledge but do not sincerely apply   what we have learned, we will have only increased   our conceit(1). What then will we become?

(1)conceit:n.(PRIDE) the state of being too proud of yourself and your actions

If we are sincere in what we are doing but not   acquiring knowledge, we will only be stubbornly   following our viewpoints. We will never see the truth.

When studying, our mind, eyes, and mouth must be   focused on our learning. All three must be   wholeheartedly dedicated to learning.

When reading a book, do not contemplate another. If   we have not completed one, do not start another.

In our studies, we should set a reasonable timetable   and then study hard. With enough time and effort, we
will thoroughly understand the text. 

If we have a question, we should make a note of it.   Then ask the person who knows the answer.

We should keep our room clean, our desk tidy, and   our pens and pencils in their proper places.

If we do not properly care for our writing tools, it   shows carelessness. If our words are written sloppily(2),   it shows disrespect.

(2)sloppily:adv. (BADLY) disapproving badly or carelessly

Books should be organized and placed on the   bookshelves in their proper places. After reading a   book, we should put it back where it belongs.

Even when in a hurry, we should carefully put our   book away. If it is damaged, we should repair it.
Do not read books that are untruthful or immoral, for   these will block our wisdom and undermine our

We should not, because of our arrogance, harm   ourselves by doing something improper. We should   not, because of our lack of confidence, give up on   ourselves. With effort, we will gradually become a   noble person.


不力行 但學文 長浮華 成何人

但力行 不學文 任己見 昧理真

易解:不能身體力行孝、悌、謹、信、汎愛眾、親仁這些本分,一味死讀書,縱然有些知識,也只是增長自己浮華不實的習氣,變成一個不切實際的人,如此讀書又 有何用?反之,如果只是一味的做,不肯讀書學習,就容易依著自己的偏見做事,蒙蔽了真理,也是不對的。


讀書法 有三到 心眼口 信皆要

方讀此 勿慕彼 此未終 彼勿起

寬為限 緊用功 功夫到 滯塞通

心有疑 隨札記 就人問 求確義

易解:讀書的方法要注重三到,眼到、口到、心到。三者缺一不可,如此方能收到事半功倍的效果。研究學問,要專一,要專精才能深入,不能這本書才開始讀沒多 久,又欣羨其他的書,想看其他的書,這樣永遠也定不下心,必須把這本書讀完,才能讀另外一本。

在訂定讀書計畫的時候,不妨寬鬆一些,實際執行時,就要加緊用功,嚴格執行,不可以懈怠偷懶,日積月累功夫深了,原先窒礙不通,困頓疑惑之處自然而然都迎 刃而解了。(中庸:用功日久,而一旦豁然貫通焉,則眾物之表裡精粗無不到,而吾心之全體大用無不明矣。)


房室清 牆壁淨 几案潔 筆硯正

墨磨偏 心不端 字不敬 心先病

列典籍 有定處 讀看畢 還原處

雖有急 卷(ㄐㄩㄢˋ)束齊 有缺壞 就補之

非聖書 屏(ㄅㄧㄥˇ)勿視 蔽聰明 壞心志

勿自暴 勿自棄 聖與賢 可馴致

易解:書房要整理清潔,牆壁要保持乾淨,讀書時,書桌上筆墨紙硯等文具要放置整齊,不得凌亂,觸目所及皆是井井有條,才能靜下心來讀書。古人寫字使用毛 筆,寫字前先要磨墨,如果心不在焉,墨就會磨偏了,寫出來的字如果歪歪斜斜,就表示你浮躁不安,心定不下來。



不是傳述聖賢言行的著作,以及有害身心健康的不良書刊,都應該摒棄不要看,以免身心受到污染,智慧遭受蒙蔽,心志變得不健康。遇到困難或挫折的時候,不要 自暴自棄,也不必憤世嫉俗,看什麼都不順眼,應該發憤向上努力學習,聖賢境界雖高,循序漸進,也是可以達到的。




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