《Guidelines for Being a Good Person》Being Close to Kind and Virtuous People
We are all human beings, but we are not the same. Most of us are ordinary; only a few of us are kind and virtuous.
A truly virtuous person is held in awe by others. He is not afraid to speak the truth, and he does not fawn
(1)fawn over/on sb: to praise someone too much and give them a lot of attention that is not sincere, in order to get a positive reaction
If we associate with and learn from people of great virtue, we will benefit greatly. Day by day our own
virtues will grow and our faults will lessen.
If we do not associate with and learn from these people, we will suffer a great loss. We will attract people without virtue, and nothing we do will succeed.
同是人 類不齊 流俗眾 仁者希
果仁者 人多畏 言不諱 色不媚
能親仁 無限好 德日進 過日少
不親仁 無限害 小人進 百事壞
易解:同樣是人,善惡邪正,心智高低卻是良莠不齊。跟著潮流走的俗人多,仁慈博愛的人少,如果有一位仁德的人出現,大家自然敬畏他,因為他說話公正無私沒 有隱瞞,又不討好他人。所以大家才會起敬畏之心。
能夠親近有仁德的人,向他學習,真是再好不過了,因為他會使我們的德行一天比一天進步,過錯也跟著減少。如果不肯親近仁人君子,就會有無窮的禍害,因為不 肖的小人會趁虛而入,跑來親近我們,日積月累,我們的言行舉止都會受影響,導致整個人生的失敗。(近朱者赤,近墨者黑。)