
《Guidelines for Being a Good Person》Loving All Beings


Love all beings, for we all live under the same sky and   are supported by the same earth.

A person of good character is highly respected.   Respect is not based on external appearances.

A capable person will naturally have a good   reputation. People are not won over by boasting or   self-praise.

If we are good at something, we should be willing to   use that ability to benefit others. When we feel others
are more competent than us, we should not criticize   or slander(1)them for being so.

(1)slander: v. to damage someone's reputation by making a false spoken statement about them

Neither flatter the rich nor despise the poor. Neither   ignore old friends nor take delight in only new ones.

When others are busy, do not bother them. When   they are troubled, do not make things worse by   talking unnecessarily.

We should neither expose the shortcomings of others   nor disclose their private matters.

It is good to praise the virtuous actions of others.   Knowing that they are being praised, people will be
encouraged to do better.

Gossiping about the wrongdoings of others is in itself   wrong. When we slander another excessively, we too
will suffer harm and great misfortune.

By mutually encouraging one another to do good,   both of us will improve our character. By not advising
one another to correct our respective faults, our   characters will diminish.

When giving and receiving, we should be clear in what   we are doing. It is better to give more and receive less.

Before we ask others to do something, we should first   ask ourselves if we would do it. If not, then we should   not ask others to do it.

We should repay the kindness of others; we should let   go of our anger. Spend less time holding grudges and
more time repaying kindness.

When we interact with people who serve us, we   should act in ways that inspire respect. And while   being dignified and proper is important, it is also   important to be kind and generous.

If we force others to do as we wish, they will silently   rebel. But if we convince them with sound(2)reasoning,   they will happily agree without complaining.

(2)sound: adj. (GOOD JUDGMENT) showing good judgment; able to be trusted




凡是人 皆須愛 天同覆 地同載



行(ㄒㄧㄥˋ)高者 名自高 人所重 非貌高

才大者 望自大 人所服 非言大


己有能 勿自私 人所能 勿輕眥(ㄗˇ)

勿諂富 勿驕貧 勿厭故 勿喜新

人不閒 勿事攪 人不安 勿話擾

易解:當你有能力可以服務眾人的時候,不要自私自利,只考慮到自己,捨不得付出。對於他人的才華,應當學習欣賞讚歎,而不是批評、嫉妒、毀謗。不要去討好 巴結富有的人,也不要在窮人面前驕傲自大,或者輕視他們。不要喜新厭舊,對於老朋友要珍惜,不要貪戀新朋友或新事物。對於正在忙碌的人,不要去打擾他,當 別人心情不好,身心欠安的時候,不要閒言閒語干擾他,增加他的煩惱與不安。


人有短 切莫揭 人有私 切莫說

道人善 即是善 人知之 愈思勉

揚人惡 即是惡 疾之甚 禍且作

善相勸 德皆建 過不規 道兩虧

易解:別人的缺點,不要去揭穿,對於他人的隱私,切忌去張揚。讚美他人的善行就是行善。當對方聽到你的稱讚之後,必定會更加勉勵行善。張揚他人的過失或缺 點,就是作了一件壞事。如果指責批評太過分了,還會給自己招來災禍。朋友之間應該互相規過勸善,共同建立良好的品德修養。如果有錯不能互相規勸,兩個人的 品德都會有缺陷。

凡取與 貴分曉 與宜多 取宜少

將加人 先問己 己不欲 即速已

恩欲報 怨欲忘 報怨短 報恩長




受人恩惠要時時想著報答,別人有對不起自己的事,應該寬大為懷把它忘掉,怨恨不平的事不要停留太久,過去就算了,『不要老放在心上,處罰自己,苦惱自 己!』至於別人對我們的恩德,要感恩在心常記不忘,常思報答。

待婢僕 身貴端 雖貴端 慈而寬

勢服人 心不然 理服人 方無言

易解:對待家中的婢女與僕人,要注重自己的品行端正並以身作則,雖然品行端正很重要,但是仁慈寬大更可貴,如果仗勢強逼別人服從,對方難免口服心不服。唯 有以理服人,別人才會心悅誠服沒有怨言。


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