
《Guidelines for Being a Good Person》Being Trustworthy


When we speak, honesty counts the most. Deceit and   lies are unacceptable.

It is better to talk a little than chat too much. Tell the   truth; do not speak insincerely.

Cunning(1), deceptive speech and foul(2)language should   never be used. We should never conduct ourselves in   an unruly manner.

(1)cunning: adj. (CLEVER) Cunning people are clever at planning something so that they get what they want, especially by tricking other people, or things that are cleverly made for a particular purpose.

(2)foul: adj. Foul speech or other language is offensive, rude, or shocking.

We should not readily(3)talk about something we have   not seen for it may not be the whole truth. We should   not readily pass on to others what we do not know   for sure.

(3)readily: adv. Quickly, immediately, willingly, or without any problem.

If someone asks us to do something and we are not   sure whether it is appropriate, we should not   carelessly promise. If we do promise to do something   [and it is inappropriate], we will be wrong whether we   keep or break our promise.

When speaking, say each word unhurriedly, clearly,   and correctly. Do not mumble or talk too fast.

Some people like to gossip and comment about the   faults or good points of others. But if something does   not concern us, we should not get involved.

When we see the goodness of others, we should   encourage ourselves to learn from them. Even if we   are far behind them, gradually we will achieve as they   have.

When we see the faults of others, we should reflect   on our own behavior. If we have the same fault,   correct it. If we do not have this fault, we should   always be alert and not make the same mistake.

When our morals, knowledge, and skills are not as   good as those of others, we should encourage   ourselves to try harder.

If the clothes we wear and the food we eat are not as   good as what others have, do not feel sad.

If criticism makes us angry and compliments make us   happy, we will attract bad company, while good   friends will leave us.

If we are appreciative of criticism and uneasy with   compliments, people who are virtuous, sincere, and   trustworthy will gradually become our friends.

If we accidentally make a mistake, it is only an error.   But if we do it on purpose, it is definitely wrong.

If we correct our faults and mistakes and do not   repeat them, then they will cease. But if we try to   cover them up, we will be doubly wrong.


凡出言 信為先 詐與妄 奚可焉

話說多 不如少 惟其是 勿佞巧

奸巧語 穢污詞 市井氣 切戒之

易解:開口說話,誠信為先,答應他人的事情,一定要遵守承諾,沒有能力做到的事不能隨便答應,至於欺騙或花言巧語,更不能使用!(論語:與朋友交言而有 信。信近於義,言可復也。註:復者實踐也,約定的事情要合乎義理,才能實踐。)

話多不如話少,話少不如話好。說話要恰到好處,該說的就說,不該說的絕對不說,立身處世應該謹言慎行,談話內容要實事求是,所謂:『詞,達而已矣!』;不 要花言巧語,好聽卻靠不住。奸詐取巧的語言,下流骯髒的話,以及街頭無賴粗俗的口氣,都要避免不去沾染。


見未真 勿輕言 知未的(ㄉㄧˊ) 勿輕傳

事非宜 勿輕諾 苟輕諾 進退錯

凡道字 重且舒 勿急疾 勿模糊

彼說長 此說短 不關己 莫閒管

易解:任何事情在沒有看到真相之前,不要輕易發表意見,對事情了解得不夠清楚明白時,不可以任意傳播,以免造成不良後果。(謠言止於智者,不要被謠言所利 用。)




見人善 即思齊 縱去遠 以漸躋(ㄐㄧ)

見人惡 即內省 有則改 無加警


看見別人的缺點或不良的行為,要反躬自省,檢討自己是否也有這些缺失,有則改之,無則加勉。(見賢思齊焉,見不賢而內自省也。)(子曰:三人行。必有我師 焉,擇其善者而從之,其不善者而改之。)

唯德學 唯才藝 不如人 當自礪

若衣服 若飲食 不如人 勿生慼(ㄑㄧ)

易解:每一個人都應當重視自己的品德、學問、和才能技藝的培養,如果感覺到有不如人的地方,應當自我惕勵奮發圖強。至於外表穿著,或者飲食不如他人,則不 必放在心上,更沒有必要憂慮自卑。(論語‧顏回居陋巷,一簞食、一瓢飲,人不堪其憂,回也不改其樂。)(※君子憂道不憂貧)

聞過怒 聞譽樂 損友來 益友卻

聞譽恐 聞過欣 直諒士 漸相親


反之,如果聽到他人的稱讚,不但沒有得意忘形,反而會自省,唯恐做得不夠好,繼續努力;當別人批評自己的缺失時,不但不生氣,還能歡喜接受,那麼正直誠信 的人,就會漸漸喜歡和我們親近了。(人以群分,物以類聚。同聲相應,同氣相求。)

無心非 名為錯 有心非 名為惡

過能改 歸於無 倘揜(ㄧㄢˇ)飾 增一辜

易解:無心之過稱為錯,若是明知故犯,有意犯錯便是罪惡。知錯能改,是勇者的行為,錯誤自然慢慢的減少消失,如果為了面子,死不認錯,還要去掩飾,那就是 錯上加錯了。



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