
《Guidelines for Being a Good Person》Interacting with Others Away from Home 


Older siblings should love and care for the younger   ones; younger siblings should love and respect the   older ones. Getting along well with one's siblings is a    sign of respecting one's parents and caring that they   are happy.

When siblings value family ties more than possessions,   resentment will not arise. When siblings are careful   with their words, feelings of anger naturally dissolve.

When drinking, eating, walking, or sitting, let the   elders do so first; younger ones follow.

When an elder is asking for someone, find that person   right away. If we cannot find that person, we should   immediately report back and ask if we can help    instead.

When addressing elders, do not call them by their first   name. When in the presence of elders, do not show   off.

When meeting elders whom we know, greet them   promptly and respectfully. If they do not greet us in   return, respectfully stand aside.

If we are in a vehicle and see an elder whom we know   passing by, we should get out and greet the person [if   the situation safely allows]. We continue on our way   only after the elder has left us.

When an elder is standing, do not sit. After an elder   sits down, sit only when invited to do so.

Before an elder, speak softly. But if our voice is too   low and hard to hear, we are being improper.

When meeting elders, walk briskly towards them;   when leaving, do not do so in haste. When answering   a question, look attentively at the person.

We should regard our aunts and uncles as if they   were our parents, and our cousins as if they were our   siblings.


兄道友 弟道恭 兄弟睦 孝在中

財物輕 怨何生 言語忍 忿自泯

易解:當哥哥姊姊的要友愛弟妹,作弟妹的要懂得恭敬兄姊,兄弟姊妹能和睦相處,一家人和樂融融,父母自然歡喜,孝道就在其中了。與人相處不斤斤計較財物, 怨恨就無從生起。言語能夠包容忍讓,多說好話,不說壞話,忍住氣話,不必要的衝突、怨恨的事情自然消失不生。(言語為福禍之門。孔門四科有:德行、言語、 政事、文學。可見言語之重要。)

或飲食 或坐走 長者先 幼者後

長呼人 即代叫 人不在 己即到




稱尊長 勿呼名 對尊長 勿現能

路遇長 疾趨揖 長無言 退恭立

騎下馬 乘下車 過猶待 百步餘

易解:稱呼長輩,不可以直呼姓名,在長輩面前,要謙虛有禮,不可以炫耀自己的才能;路上遇見長輩,應向前問好,長輩沒有事時,即恭敬退後站立一旁,等待長 輩離去。古禮:不論騎馬或乘車,路上遇見長輩均應下馬或下車問候,並等到長者離去稍遠,約百步之後,才可以離開。(敬老尊賢)

長者立 幼勿坐 長者坐 命乃坐

尊長前 聲要低 低不聞 卻非宜

進必趨 退必遲 問起對 視勿移

易解:與長輩同處,長輩站立時,晚輩應該陪著站立,不可以自行就坐,長輩坐定以後,吩咐坐下才可以坐。與尊長交談,聲音要柔和適中,回答的音量太小讓人聽 不清楚,也是不恰當的。有事要到尊長面前,應快步向前,退回去時,必須稍慢一些才合乎禮節。當長輩問話時,應當專注聆聽,眼睛不可以東張西望,左顧右盼。

事諸父 如事父 事諸兄 如事兄



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