
《Guidelines for Being a Good Person》Being Mindful in Daily Life


Get up early and go to bed at a reasonable time.   Knowing how time flies, we should treasure everyday.

When we get up, we should wash our face and brush   our teeth. After using the toilet, we should always   wash our hands.

Our hat should be properly put on, clothing correctly   buttoned, and socks and shoes neatly worn.

We should put our clothes away in their proper   places. We should not leave them lying around for   they will get dirty that way.

It is more important that our clothes be neat and   clean than fashionable and expensive. We should   wear what is suitable and appropriate for our age,   and within our family's means(1).

(1)means: n.   money, for example from an income, that allows you to buy things

◆live within your means:to spend less money than you receive as income

When eating and drinking, do not be fussy(2). Eat only   the right amount; do not overeat.

(2)fussy:adj. not easily satisfied, or having very high standards about particular things.

When we are young, we should not drink alcohol. The   behavior of those who are drunk is unsightly(3).

(3)unsightly: adj. not attractive; ugly

Walk in an unhurried manner and always stand up   straight. Whether greeting friends or elders, do so   properly and with respect.

Do not step on doorsills(4)or stand leaning on one leg.   When sitting, do not sprawl(5)or fidget(6).

(4)doorsill:   the threshold or dividing piece of wood or stone in the bottom of a doorway.

(5)sprawl:  v. to spread the arms and legs out carelessly and untidily while sitting or lying down

(6)fidget: v. to make continuous, small movements that annoy other people.

When entering a room, we should open the door   quietly. When walking, we should be aware of our   surroundings so as not to bump into anything.

Hold empty containers just as carefully as if they were   full. Enter empty rooms as if they were occupied. 

Avoid doing things in a hurry, since acting in haste will   lead to many mistakes. Do not be afraid of a task that   is difficult or become careless when a job is easy.

Keep away from rowdy(7)places. Do not be curious   about things that are bad or unusual.

(7)rowdy: adj. noisy and possibly violent

When we are about to enter a house, we should ask if   anyone is inside. As we enter, we should make   ourselves heard.

If someone asks who it is, we should say our name,   not  "me" because this is not clear.

Before using something that belongs to another, we   should ask for permission. If we do not ask, it is   stealing.

After we borrow from others, we should return the   items on time. Later, if we have an urgent need, we   will be able to easily borrow from them again.



朝起早 夜眠遲 老易至 惜此時

晨必盥 兼漱口 便溺回 輒淨手

易解:為人子應早起,把握光陰及時努力,若經常晚睡、甚至熬夜,不但對身體健康不好,也影響白天正常的作息。歲月不待人,青春要珍惜。(少壯不努力,老大 徒悲傷。)

早晨起床後,務必洗臉、刷牙、漱口使精神清爽,有一個好的開始。大小便後,一定要洗手,養成良好的衛生習慣,才能確保健康。(防止腸病毒,要學會洗手,手 心、手背、指縫間均要仔細搓洗)


冠必正 紐必結 襪與履 俱緊切

置冠服 有定位 勿亂頓 致污穢

易解:要注重服裝儀容的整齊清潔,戴帽子要戴端正,衣服釦子要扣好,襪子穿平整,鞋帶應繫緊,否則容易被絆倒,一切穿著以穩重端莊為宜。回家後衣、帽、鞋 襪都要放置定位,避免造成髒亂,要用的時候又要找半天。(大處著眼,小處著手,養成良好的生活習慣,是成功的一半。)

衣貴潔 不貴華 上循份 下稱(ㄔㄥˋ)家

對飲食 勿揀擇 食適可 勿過則

年方少 勿飲酒 飲酒醉 最為醜

易解:穿衣服需注重整潔,不必講究昂貴、名牌、華麗。穿著應考量自己的身份及場合,更要衡量家中的經濟狀況,才是持家之道。(不要為了面子,更不要讓虛榮 心作主,無謂的開銷就是浪費。)




(老子說:聖人為腹不為目。飲食是為了吃飽肚子,不是為了滿足口目。)當今的文明病例如:癌症、糖尿病…等多為營養過多,與營養失衡所造成。應注意過份加 工,太精緻的食品,都含有化學添加物,有害健康,不宜食用。

步從容 立端正 揖深圓 拜恭敬

勿踐閾(ㄩˋ) 勿跛(ㄅㄧˋ)倚 勿箕踞 勿搖髀(ㄅㄧˋ)

易解:走路時步伐應當從容穩重,不慌不忙,不急不緩;站立時要端正有站相,須抬頭挺胸,精神飽滿,不可以彎腰駝背,垂頭喪氣。(立如松,行如風,坐如鐘, 臥如弓。)

問候他人時,不論鞠躬或拱手都要真誠恭敬,不能敷衍了事。進門時腳不要踩在門檻上,站立時身體也不要站得歪歪斜斜的,坐的時候不可以伸出兩腿,腿更不可以 抖動,這些都是很輕浮、傲慢的舉動,有失君子風範。

緩揭簾 勿有聲 寬轉彎 勿觸棱(ㄌㄥˊ)

執虛器 如執盈 入虛室 如有人

事勿忙 忙多錯 勿畏難 勿輕略

鬥鬧場 絕勿近 邪僻事 絕勿問

易解:進入房間時,不論揭簾子、開門的動作都要輕一點、慢一些,避免發出聲響。在室內行走或轉彎時,應小心不要撞到物品的稜角,以免受傷。拿東西時要注 意,即使是拿著空的器具,也要像裡面裝滿東西一樣,小心謹慎以防跌倒或打破。進入無人的房間,也要像有人在一樣,不可以隨便。


凡是容易發生爭吵打鬥的不良場所,如賭博、色情等是非之地,要勇於拒絕,不要接近,以免受到不良的影響。一些邪惡下流,荒誕不經的事也要謝絕,不聽、不 看,不要好奇的去追問,以免污染了善良的心性。

將入門 問孰存 將上堂 聲必揚

人問誰 對以名 吾與我 不分明

用人物 須明求 倘不問 即為偷

借人物 及時還 後有急 借不難


易解:將要入門之前,應先問:「有人在嗎?」不要冒冒失失就跑進去。進入客廳之前,應先提高聲音,讓屋內的人,知道有人來了。如果屋裡的人問:「是誰 呀?」應該回答名字,而不是:「我!我!」讓人無法分辨我是誰?

借用別人的物品,一定要事先講明,請求允許。如果沒有事先徵求同意,擅自取用就是偷竊的行為。借來的物品,要愛惜使用,並準時歸還,以後若有急用,再借就 不難。(諺云:好借好還,再借不難。)


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