
《Guidelines for Being a Good Person》Respecting and Loving Our Parents at Home 


When our parents call us, we should answer them   right away. When they tell us to do something, we   should do it promptly.

When our parents instruct us, we should listen   respectfully. When they scold us, we should sincerely   accept what they say.

We should make sure that our parents are warm in   the winter and cool in the summer. In the morning, we should greet them and show them that we care.   At night, we should make sure that they are resting   comfortably.

Before going out, we should let our parents know.   When we return, we should tell them that we are   back. We should lead a routine life, and we should not   be constantly changing our mind in whatever we do.

Even when a matter is trivial, we should not act   without permission or just do as we please. If we do   so, then we are no longer a dutiful child.

We should not hide any possession, no matter how   small, from our parents. If we do, they will feel hurt.

When something pleases our parents [and is proper],   we should try our best to provide it for them. When   something displeases them, we should remove it.

If we injure ourselves, we will make our parents worry.   If we do something unvirtuous, they will feel ashamed.

When our parents love us, it is easy to be respectful   and loving. When they do not love us, respecting and   loving them means we have a noble heart.

If our parents do something wrong, we should urge   them to change. Do so with a kind expression and   caring voice.

Should our parents not accept our advice, try again   when they are in a better mood. If they still do not   listen, our sincere tears will show them how deeply   we care. Should they get angry with us, do not hold it   against them.

When our parents are ill, we should make sure that   they take the right medicine. Care for them night and   day, and do not leave them alone.

For three years after our parent's passing, we should   remember them in sadness. We should live simply and   not adorn(1)our home. Avoid merry-making, meat, and    alcohol.

(1)adorn:to add something decorative to a person or thing.

We should arrange our parent's funeral in a proper   manner. We should always honor them as if they were   till alive and, especially on the anniversary of their   death, remember them with a sincere heart.


父母呼 應勿緩 父母命 行勿懶

父母教 須敬聽 父母責 須順承

易解:父母呼喚,應及時回答,不要慢吞吞的很久才應答,父母有事交代,要立刻動身去做,不可拖延或推辭偷懶。父母教導我們做人處事的道理,是為了我們好, 應該恭敬的聆聽。做錯了事,父母責備教誡時,應當虛心接受,不可強詞奪理,使父母親生氣、傷心。


冬則溫 夏則凊(ㄐㄧㄥˋ) 晨則省 昏則定

出必告 反必面 居有常 業無變

易解:侍奉父母要用心體貼,二十四孝的黃香(香九齡),為了讓父親安心睡眠,夏天睡前會幫父親把床鋪搧涼,冬天寒冷時會為父親溫暖被席,實在值得我們學 習。早晨起床之後,應該先探望父母,並向父母請安問好。下午回家之後,要將今天在外的情形告訴父母,向父母報平安,使老人家放心。外出離家時,須告訴父母 要到那裡去,回家後還要當面稟報父母回來了,讓父母安心。平時起居作息(生活習慣),要保持正常有規律,做事有常規,不要任意改變,以免父母憂慮。

事雖小 勿擅為 苟擅為 子道虧

物雖小 勿私藏 苟私藏 親心傷



親所好 力為具 親所惡 謹為去

身有傷 貽親憂 德有傷 貽親羞

親愛我 孝何難 親憎我 孝方賢

易解:父母親所喜好的東西,應該盡力去準備,父母所厭惡的事物,要小心謹慎的去除(包含自己的壞習慣)。要愛護自己的身體,不要使身體輕易受到傷害,讓父 母親憂慮。(曾子曰:「身體髮膚受之父母,不敢毀傷」)。要注重自己的品德修養,不可以做出傷風敗德的事,使父母親蒙受恥辱。

當父母親喜愛我們的時候,孝順是很容易的事;當父母親不喜歡我們,或者管教過於嚴厲的時候,我們一樣孝順,而且還能夠自己反省檢點,體會父母的心意,努力 改過並且做得更好,這種孝順的行為最是難能可貴。

親有過 諫使更 怡吾色 柔吾聲

諫不入 悅復諫 號泣隨 撻無怨

易解:父母親有過錯的時候,應小心勸導改過向善,勸導時態度要誠懇,聲音必須柔和,並且和顏悅色,(子夏問孝。子曰:「色難。」)如果父母不聽規勸,要耐 心等待,一有適當時機,例如父母情緒好轉或是高興的時候,再繼續勸導;如果父母仍然不接受,甚至生氣,此時我們雖難過得痛哭流涕,也要懇求父母改過,縱然 遭遇到責打,也無怨無悔,以免陷父母於不義,使父母一錯再錯,鑄成大錯。

親有疾 藥先嘗 晝夜侍 不離床

喪三年 常悲咽 居處變 酒肉絕

喪盡禮 祭盡誠 事死者 如事生

易解:父母親生病時,子女應當盡心盡力的照顧,一旦病情沈重時,更要晝夜服侍,不可以隨便離開。父母去世之後,守孝期間(古禮三年),要常常追思、感懷父 母教養的恩德。自己的生活起居必須調整改變,不能貪圖享受,應該戒絕酒肉(請參考地藏經,孝子應如何給往生者修福)。





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